Tuesday, October 6, 2009


If you are a stern and intolerant teetotaler, or an evangelistic skeptic who takes everything in life with deadly seriousness and insists that everybody else do likewise, this will not be the blog for you. Little, if any of what you read on this blog should be taken seriously, and even less literally. I'm just here to have fun.

Think of somebody struggling to sleep, and not succeeding. He goes out at night, not really awake or asleep, and encounters the world. Maybe he drinks a little - maybe too much - and finds himself wondering what is real and what is not, because what is real is strange enough already. Think of all that he encounters through the night, and that is what my main blog is about. Dreams, surreal stories, drinks and liqueur making, nighttime photography, ....

Some posts will be fiction, some will be fact, and I'll leave it to you to figure out which is which - though I will say that none of the names you see will ever be real, and even that which is mostly fact will sometimes be partially fictionalised, because I'm not interested in helping expose anybody. I'm not the guy with the videocam, trying to embarass some poor soul who showed poor judgement that night, I'm just sharing an experience.

There might be a supernatural element to some of the fiction - or maybe there won't be - but, again, before I hear from anybody who thinks that the X Files are a documentary, I will say that my own real life attitudes lean strongly toward skepticism.

This is not the main blog for the Myopic Midnight Special. That's elsewhere. This is a comment blog. When, as I'm writing the Myopic Special, I find that a journal on Blogger seems to talk about something I find to be of special relevance at the moment, I'll use my Blogger account to comment. Having done this, I might then come here to talk about the blog I just visited, and maybe elaborate on my commentary there.

This blog, then, serves as an interface between my blog and an important blogging community, and might provide me with an alternative to posting article length comments. By its nature, it isn't a blog that will see frequent updating, but you will find a link to a Mybloglog community for this blog, on which you can be notified of updates to it.

I hope you'll enjoy this, but again - don't take this seriously, except maybe the part where I tell you to not go knocking on doors in the projects at 1 am, or to not distill your own alcohol over an open flame. Information about food and drink preparation and warnings about danger - unless I'm obviously putting you on (Cthulhu really isn't doing coat checking at Metro), I'm not going to play with you when it comes to safety. The world I portray may sometimes be a little amoral, but I'm not.

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